6245 North Federal Highway
Suite 321
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Tel. (954) 351-2601
Facsimile (954) 351-2605


Family Law


There are many matters that arise when a person is considering divorce. It is important to find a professional to help you. Financial and emotional issues often occur, especially when children are involved. Ms. Perry can assist you with these issues prior to the filing for a petition for dissolution and during the court proceeding […]

Child Support

When parents no longer live with one another and have a child or children between them, both parents have an obligation to financially support their children. This scenario often occurs when parties are divorcing. It is important to consider the child’s need to be in a home that is safe, and comfortable. Florida laws provide […]


In the divorce setting, the parent’s fundamental concern is where, and with whom, the children will reside. Often parents state that he or she “wants custody of their child”. However, now the term “custody” is no longer applicable. Instead the Courts require a written Parenting Plan which sets forth a time sharing schedule with the […]


There have been changes to the Florida alimony laws by our Florida legislature. There are still several types of alimony, bridge -the -gap alimony, rehabilitative alimony and durational alimony. Temporary alimony may also be awarded during the pendency of a divorce case. However, Florida Statues no longer provide for an award of permanent periodic alimony. […]
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